I support you in becoming more of who you wish to be
About me
I am very interested in other people’s ability to live their lives; their ability to be active in their work and other activities they engage in. I am driven by understanding what others wishes for, how come they do so, and how they pursue it. If someone turns to me and talks about a dilemma or a wish they have regarding their life, my interest is quickly piqued, and I am eager to listen and contribute to reflections and insights.
You can read more about me and my background, my thoughts on coaching, and the vision behind Culmen Coaching by exploring this website. Welcome!
I am a member of and have been certified by the International Coaching Federation, ICF.
Previous clients
(most comments in Swedish)
”Gabriella är en nyfiken och skarp lyssnare som inte bara speglar dig utan kommer med egna tankar och analyser. Hon är öppen och bejakande. Hon håller ihop den långsiktiga processen och påminner dig om vad du tänkte i tidigare sessioner. På det sättet får du syn på din egen tankeprocess.”
”När tillvaron inte går ihop och man behöver prioritera mellan ”måste” och ”vilja” kan man behöva hjälp utifrån. Av någon neutral och konstruktiv. Den hjälpen fick jag genom coachning och samtal som stärkte mig att våga ta nya steg i livspusslet.”
”In my process of pondering professional alternatives and coming to make a decision that felt right for me I found Gabriella particularly helpful because she was both, open-minded and persistent, in helping me realize my options from varying perspectives.”